Why Time Blocking Increases Productivity


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What is time blocking? well…I like to plan. I like to have a plan and know how my day is going to happen.

This can make thinking about my days so much more difficult. So what do I do to simplify my planning?

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I use my Simplified Planner (I plan out increments of time in my planner) and I rock on with my day.

Recently, I discovered that this already has a name…it is Time Blocking and can be great for making you aware of your time and setting priorities for your day. It helps keep you focused and on task.

What is Time-Blocking?

Essentially, time blocking is using a set slot of time to finish a task. It allows you to schedule your entire day out so you can see where hours are wasted and figure out ways to improve it.

It is a structured planning method.

I have been doing things this way forever and it works.

So if you say you need more time in your day…It can help anyone.

Teachers have been time blocking for years to keep their days organized and to ensure all the tasks that need to get accomplished are planned.

Scheduling this way can help you feel accomplished and organized, which I know is something we all would like to do better at.

Where to Start

You can print my Time Blocking and To-Do List for free here.

Start by sitting down and listing all the things you want to accomplish for the week.  This can be anything you want to get done. Nothing you write down is too silly of a task if it is something you need to allow time for.

The easiest way to ease yourself into organizing your time is to start small. Start with big tasks and then as you get the hang of it, add in more things until you have mastered your entire day.

List Out Everything You Need To Do

Use my To-Do list (which can be found in the link above) and write out everything that needs to be done.

You can put down laundry, work increments, breaks, cooking, soccer games, doctor’s appointments…literally anything and everything you want to.

Time Block Schedule example photo

Set Times for Tasks

Schedule everything from business related to personal time…even exercise and sleep. It can be as basic or as detailed as you want it to be.

Your to-do list tells you what to schedule and make sure you check off each item as it gets accomplished.

I love to use a list and see things get checked off. Especially at the grocery store.

Marking that list off is so gratifying.

If you struggle with Grocery Shopping see this post to help you get that under control.

But back to organizing your time…

Let it be fun…Make it into a daily challenge to see how much you can accomplish…sort of like a competition with yourself.

Have you tried time-blocking before? Do you have something to add or do you want to share your experience? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.

Thank you for checking out my site and while you are here…go see my post about 5 Tips to Minimize Distractions and Get Back on Task

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